Well, this weekend "Spiderman" and I decided to carve our pumpkins at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was so much fun! Soren is having a great time with Halloween this year and starting to understand things more now. He loves being in his Spiderman costume all the time....so I've given up on trying to get him dressed in normal clothes anymore. I guess you have to pick your battles with a 2 1/2 year old. It's really funny though because Soren keeps calling himself "Superman"...oh well. He picked out his costume at the store, so that's all that matters. He really likes ghosts...so we had to attempt at least one "ghost jack-o-lantern". I think they turned out pretty good!!
This time of year is such a neat time with Soren because he is really interested in all the holidays. The only books he wants to read are about Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. He is just obsessed with Santa Claus right now! It's really cute, so we are all looking forward to the holidays with Soren.