Thursday, October 8, 2009

Male Bonding

Well, Soren went over to Grandma and Grandpa's the other night and got a special surprise from Grandpa! Soren just loves tools right now, especially Grandpa's! So he got his very own workstation with all sorts of screws, bolts, a name it. He also got a tool box that Grandma put his name on with all sorts of tools. Soren was in heaven!! He played by himself for quite a bit that night...which is a nice change for me to let him entertain himself.

Soren finished up the night with a good 'ol horsy ride from Grandpa. Soren really gives this poor horse a workout! Soren really loves his "papa"!

1 comment:

  1. Wait until Stella catches wind of "horsey"!:)

    Soren looks so stinking cute! Are those big boy pull up dippies?

    Love you guys
