Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Sorensen clan decided to make a weekend trip up to Durango, CO to ride the POLAR EXPRESS this past weekend. It was a very memorable trip, especially because this city was a common family vacation spot for us growing up. Despite a few two year old temper tantrums, an otherwise fabulous trip!

I had always heard this was a great train ride, but what a night! Durango had just been hit by a huge storm and it continued to snow throughout the weekend. The ride Saturday night was a Winter Wonderland to say the least!

The troopers of the trip. Grandma and Grandpa braved the blizzard conditions for their dear Grandson Soren!!

It was a perfect night filled with hot chocolate and cookies. By the end of the ride Soren had hot chocolate all over his clothes, face and hands!

We picked Santa up at the North Pole, he boarded the train, and met every child. Soren was a little scared to be held by Santa, but he told him his Christmas wish for "a choo choo train". After Soren got to see Santa and got his bell, he was in heaven. He rang that bell all the way home, slept with it and rang it the whole drive home Sunday! Thanks, Santa!!Soren couldn't get enough of the snow! He had so much fun. Something about boys, snow and choo choo trains!!So funny story....Saturday morning I sat down in the hotel room to read the USA today newspaper while drinking my coffee and watching the snow fall outside. When suddenly I look at the front cover of the paper and there is Sarah Palin wearing THIS EXACT green hat I have on in these pictures. Great! Just what I hoped for.....a Sarah Palin look-a-like!!

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